Integrated approach

P-CAM Training

The Performance-Centered Asset Management (P-CAM) Training will optimize your company with its transformative management processes and tools, including:

    • Reliability-Centered and Industrial Maintenance
    • Large Systems – Vulnerabilities and Resiliences 
    • Enabling Machine Learning and Digital Twin
    • Reliability Optimization with Redundancies
    • Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
    • Maintenance Analysis and Planning
    • Total Productive Maintenance
    • Root Cause Analysis

The training integrates all these tools and concepts into a simple model incorporating the VisionMission and Values of the company.

Coaching Services

Coaching services enhance P-CAM training. Ideally before, if not, during or after the training is completed, we review your assets together, as well as the associated management methods and processes.

Accordingly, we identify vulnerabilities and resiliencies in order to establish the best points of intervention. This way, you gain maximum leverage to make necessary changes while minimizing interference, maximizing profits and ensuring rapid return on investment.

Do not hesitate to consult our Factory and corporate solution for more details on coaching.

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