Internal training rules

In effect from 01 January 2021

Present the internal rules applying to all trainees and throughout the duration of the training courses followed.

These rules apply to all trainees for the duration of the training course followed.

They are drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.6352-3 and R.6352-1 to R.6352-15 of the French Labor Code (Code du travail).

The procedure “Dealing with contingencies (Procédure – Modalités de traitement des aléas)” ensures the follow-up of incidents and disciplinary measures arising from these rules.

It is strictly forbidden for trainees:

    • To adopt aggressive, violent or disruptive behaviour during the training, in the training premises or towards any person directly or indirectly involved in the training;
    • to discriminate sexually, religiously, racially or based on any other criterion of particular physical or intellectual condition against any person directly or indirectly involved in the training;
    • to adopt a disrespectful behaviour towards any person directly or indirectly involved in the training;
    • to attend training drunk or under the influence of drugs;
    • to take away or modify the training materials;
    • to use their mobile phones during the sessions;
    • introduce alcoholic beverages into the training premises;
    • to eat in the classrooms.

Any act deemed wrongful by Percentam management may, depending on its nature and seriousness, be subject to one or other of the following sanctions in ascending order of importance:

    • Verbal warning by the Percentam trainer;
    • Written warning by the Manager of Percentam;
    • Definitive exclusion from training.

No sanction may be imposed on the trainee without the latter being informed at the same time and in writing of the grievances held against him. When Percentam considers taking a sanction, it summons the trainee by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or handed over to the person concerned against discharge, indicating the purpose of the summons, the date, time and place of the interview, unless the planned sanction has no impact on the trainee’s presence for the rest of the training.

During the interview, the trainee has the possibility of being assisted by a person of his choice, trainee or employee of Percentam. The convocation mentioned in the previous paragraph mentions this option. During the interview, the reason for the sanction envisaged is indicated to the trainee: the latter then has the possibility of giving any explanation or justification of the facts with which he is accused.

When a precautionary measure of temporary exclusion with immediate effect is considered essential by Percentam, no definitive sanction relating to the faulty act at the origin of this exclusion can be taken without the trainee having been informed beforehand of the grievances held against him and, possibly, that he was called to an interview and had the opportunity to explain himself to the Manager of Percentam.

The sanction may not intervene less than one clear day nor more than 15 days after the interview or, where applicable, after consulting the Manager of Percentam.

It is the subject of a written and reasoned notification to the trainee in the form of a registered letter, or a letter delivered against discharge. Percentam simultaneously informs the employer, and possibly the joint body bearing the training costs, of the sanction taken.

When a course has a duration of more than 500 hours, a full delegate and a substitute delegate are elected by uninominal ballot in two rounds. All the trainees are voters and eligible, except the prisoners admitted to take part in a professional training action.

Percentam organizes the ballot which takes place during training hours, no earlier than 8 p.m., no later than 40 hours after the start of the course. If it is impossible to designate the representatives of the trainees, Percentam draws up a deficiency report which it sends to the regional prefect with territorial jurisdiction.

Delegates are elected for the duration of the training. Their functions end when they cease, for any reason whatsoever, to participate in the training.

If the titular delegate and the substitute delegate have ceased their functions before the end of the training session, a new election is held under the conditions provided for in articles R.6352-9 to R.6352-12.

The representatives of the trainees make any suggestion to improve the progress of the courses and the living conditions of the trainees in the training organization. They present all individual or collective complaints relating to these matters, health and safety conditions and the application of the internal rules.

Preventing the risk of accidents and illnesses is imperative and requires everyone to fully comply with all applicable health and safety requirements. To this end, the general and specific safety instructions in force in the organization, when they exist, must be strictly respected under penalty of disciplinary sanctions.

When the training takes place on the company’s site, the applicable general and specific safety instructions are those of the company.

A copy of these rules is publicly available to each trainee on the website or given to the trainee upon request (before any final registration) as part of a professional training contract.