Session 2

Reliability-Based Tools​

Tools powering the P-CAM process

The participant goes beyond the tools, to apply the lessons learned to his own context of operation, through workshops especially designed to self appropriate the fundamental principles;

    • to develop a culture focused on Reliability-Centered Maintenance,
    • to reach the right and sufficient level of detail for efficient analyzes,
    • to directly link the information systems to the Reliability-Centered Maintenance analyzes,
    • to understand the pitfalls to avoid in order to mobilize and engage people in the process.

This training is for people involved or having an interest in the management of physical assets, operational excellence or maintenance engineering, and looking for a new perspective.

Public: Managers, engineers, technicians, planners, analysts, maintainers, operators and professionals involved in asset management

Prerequisite: None

Objectives: Master the concepts and processes needed to optimize Asset Management (AM), using the principles of Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)

    • Define industrial maintenance and related concepts
    • Define dependability (RAMS), reliability and related concepts
    • Define Performance-Centered Asset Management (P-CAM) and related concepts
    • Define Reliability-Centered Maintenance, role, objectives and related concepts
    • Develop an optimal and sustainable maintenance plan from the RCM analysis

Methodology: Through presentations, workshops promoting exchange and analytical exercises, the participant becomes familiar with the concepts of Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM), so that he can implement it in a sustainable way.

    • Presentations and exchanges (60%), analysis exercises (40%)

Outcome: The participant is outfitted with Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) tools and understands their application to the Performance-Centered Asset Management (P-CAM) process while ensuring Global Sustainability; People – Planet – Profit.

Team building: The mixed groups made up of several trades, professions and hierarchical levels create a unifying dynamic where each one understands his role within the whole. The common knowledge base combined with the workshops create a synergy between the participants. This opens up new channels of communication and restores those which are dry, even conflicting.

Duration: 2 days (14 hours) – also available in 3 days (21 hours) session, strongly recommended to allow more time for workshops and discussions

Content: This training session includes;

    • 1 enthusiastic and passionate trainer who knows how to popularize to really transmit knowledge, tools, concepts and above all, know-how
    • 8 lectures, each followed by a quiz to assess the knowledge learned and stimulate thinking
    • 4 workshops, where the participant puts into practice the knowledge acquired in his own operational context
    • 1 participant manual, including the full presentation, the RCM decision trees, the P-CAM process, workshops, lists of failure modes, causes, remedies, detection methods and associated maintenance activities, definitions and references used
    • 1 asset classification tool, with standardized generic codes
    • 1 Reliability-Centered Maintenance analysis tool, with standardized generic codes (programmed template)
    • 1 nominative certificate of participation

Quality assurance: Training evaluation form to be completed and returned after the session, to receive the certificate of participation.

Terms: The training session is provided on your site or remotely. The dates are reserved by mutual agreement at least 4 weeks in advance (2/3 days consecutive or not, or 4/6 half-days depending on the dates agreed).

For on-site training, a room of sufficient capacity to accommodate all participants and the trainer must be made available for the duration of the training. This room must be equipped with a board and the material necessary for its use (chalk/pencils and erasing brush), as well as a projector/presentation screen compatible with a laptop computer.

Remote training sessions require the use of a high speed internet connection and a computer with microphone, speakers and camera.

Train at your own pace for a fraction of the price:

Group rate: 4,990 (3 days session €7,485) excluding taxes for a group of up to 16 participants (add travel costs for on-site training).

Contact [email protected] for more information or to reserve dates.

Individual rate: Click here to participate in a public remote training session.

Schedules of public remote training sessions:

Trainer: Pascal CLEMENT, CRL, CRE, CMRP

General Sales Conditions


Maintenance and reliability concepts (15%)
    • Context and definitions
    • Types of maintenance
    • Dependability (RAMS)
    • Operational indicators
P-CAM concept (10%)
    • Analysis Process
    • Classification tools
    • Prioritization of assets

Reliability-Centered Maintenance (75%)

    • Method’s origin and objectives
    • RCM process and implementation
    • Assets functional analysis
    • RCM analysis and maintenance plan
    • Analysis vs failure reports
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